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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Visualize your Cancer Away - Hypnosis MP3


Visualize your Cancer Away - Hypnosis MP3


Product Description

Produced by Journeys Inward                     Voice Artist: Asheida

Imagine using the power of your mind to beat cancer! 

Having cancer is scary, and one of the most powerful tools you have to fight it is your attitude. A positive attitude can influence what happens in your life because it is closely connected to how you behave.  If you expect something to turn out a certain way, your unconscious mind will do everything in its power to make sure that outcome occurs.

When you have cancer, you want to do everything you possibly can to beat it. That includes envisioning the end of your battle when the cancer is gone and you are healthy again. Time and time again the power of the mind has been shown to be intimately connected to the outcome of a situation. So, if you have cancer, start now to picture yourself as a healthy person instead of a cancer patient.

If you don’t think the mind can change your health, consider examples of physicians who give placebo pills to patients and the patients get better. All that occurred was that the patients believed that their health would improve. If you believe that your health will improve, your body will align itself with that belief and harness the power for self-healing that exists in all of us. On the other hand, if you believe you are sick, your body will listen to that as well.

It is well known that envisioning a certain state can bring that state about. For example, if you envision a time when you were embarrassed, you will probably feel the embarrassment and you may even blush. It’s the same with health. If you envision being healthy, your body will get to work to create health in reality. Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools there is for creating positive expectations at an unconscious level. You can use the power of hypnotic suggestion to create a mindset for healing and health. In short, you can use the power of hypnosis to visualize your cancer away! 

This Self Hypnosis MP3 will

  • Help you to see yourself as a healthy person.
  • Give you an optimistic outlook that can translate into a stronger immune system.
  • Strengthen your will to heal and be healthy.

Download this Hypnosis MP3 and begin the recovery process from cancer with the power of positive thinking!


  • This therapy should NOT and does NOT replace medical treatment. It is best used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments.
  • NOTHING offered by us is intended to cure, diagnose or prevent any medical, emotional or physical condition/illness. 
  • If you are in any doubt over a health or emotional problem then you should seek advice from a doctor or an appropriate professional.
  • You may find that after listening to these Hypnotherapy MP3's the symptoms or pain you were experienci
    ng may disappear. It is important that you continue to see your doctor on a regular basis for regular check ups and to monitor your overall health. 

If you would like to hear a sample of this Hypnosis MP3 please use the player below. Please note the hypnotic background music on the MP3 you download may be different than the sample. Each MP3 is unique.

Asheida Voice Sample by JourneysInward
Background music provided by: Silencio Music, Christopher Lloyd & Royalty Free Music.

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