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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Hypno-birthing #11 Breathing Techniques for Labor


Hypno-birthing #11 Breathing Techniques for Labor


Product Description

Produced by Journeys Inward                     Voice Artist: Asheida

Breathing Techniques for Labor

The 3 breaths for hypnobirthing are: Sleep Breathing, Slow or Surge Breathing and birth breathing.

Sleep breathing is designed to help you to enter a relaxed state so you can practice imagery and visualization. Oxygen is a very important fuel for working the muscles in the uterus. You will use this breath to resume relaxation between uterine surges during birthing.

Surge breathing involves a long, quiet, slow intake of breath from your abdomen that redirects your focus and helps you work with each surge. You should practice it a couple times a day. The goal is to make your breath (both in and out) as long as possible. You will use this technique during labor to breath through the surges.

Birth breathing is used when you are breathing you baby down during the birthing phase of labor. It’s purpose is to assist the natural expulsive reflex of your body and move your baby gently down to crowning and birth.

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