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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

FREE Hypnosis Download

Stressed, Anxious, Trouble Sleeping?
Try our incredibly relaxing, 20 min. stress buster MP3 for Free.

Relax, unwind and relieve yourself of stress!

We live in a very stress-filled world. The responsibilities of work, relationships, family, daily chores and the constant barrage of changing technology and information means we need to do a lot to keep pace. The demands of daily life can be very overwhelming to say the least, and it’s easy to see why so many of us feel stressed, exhausted and sometimes frantic, in many cases before the day is even over. Even when we do have some down time it can be hard to relax because we’re so used to running at full speed in every direction.

If we don’t make time to relax, however, our bodies can suffer physically as well as mentally. Unrelieved stress can cause sleep problems as well, making it even more difficult to have enough energy to get through the day. Our immune systems are weakened by stress, and we may find ourselves coming down with colds and other illnesses more often. Taking some time every day to take a vacation from all of your problems and surrender to sweet peace by deeply relaxing mind and body, can have untold benefits.

If you feel stressed and find it difficult to relax, hypnotherapy can help. The relaxing suggestions of hypnosis will help you to enter a peaceful state where you can unwind and release the tension from your muscles, allowing your body and mind to relax. Taking time each day to re-energize with a self-hypnosis session will allow you to be more productive and creative as you move through each busy day.

This Free Self Hypnosis MP3 will help you

  • Enter a state of deep relaxation.
  • Calm and re-energize your mind and body.
  • Slow down and feel less frantic and stressed out.
  • Feel more rested and ready to face each new day.

Customer Feedback:

“I love the voice on this recording I feel like I am listening to an angel! Her voice makes me feel so comfortable. I can relax completely and I usually go right to sleep before even finishing listening to this recording! "

- B.B. Colorado

"I have been having trouble with insomnia. I loved this recording it was fabulous, fantastic and it put me right to sleep!"

~ Patrice

"...I was experiencing insomnia due to my stress of not being able to sleep so I tried the deep relaxation MP3 and the insomnia MP3 which both worked great to calm my nerves and put me to sleep again. Now I listen to it before bed almost every night just because it makes me a more relaxed person."

~ Cori S. Carlsbad, CA

Click on the picture for your Free Hypnosis MP3
Take a rest from the stress of daily living! ENJOY!