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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Conquer Alcohol Addiction - Hypnosis MP3


Conquer Alcohol Addiction - Hypnosis MP3


Product Description

Imagine feeling great without ever needing to take a drink!

Many people are prone to alcohol addiction because they use it as way to deal with uncomfortable feelings. You may find that you drink to fit in, to feel less inhibited or because it takes the “edge off” troubling emotions. If you have a serious alcohol addiction, you can easily fall into a trap that keeps you dependent on alcohol to get through life. Of course, this will end up causing more harm than good. Alcohol abuse not only takes its toll on your health but it is also very likely to destroy your relationships with the people you care about. You may even lose your job because of your drinking habit.

To deal with a drinking problem or serious addiction, you need to address the underlying reasons why you drink and became addicted. People often turn to counseling and medications to do this, but there is a more direct way to eliminate the need for alcohol, and that is to attack the problem in your subconscious mind through hypnosis. When your mind stops associating alcohol with relief from pain, you will no longer find yourself reaching for a drink to feel good or to avoid your problems.

Hypnotherapy can help you conquer alcohol addiction by teaching your subconscious mind to deal with your problems in other ways. You can use the power of hypnotic suggestion to make alcohol an undesirable substance, rather than something you reach for to feel good. Very simply, you will no longer want or need to drink once the power of hypnosis re-frames the way you think. You will be left with a lasting subconscious belief that you can handle your problems without drinking. You will also have the option of drinking in moderation without going overboard or letting alcohol control you.

This Alcohol Abuse MP3 will help you:

  • Relax and find inner peace without reaching for a drink.
  • Change the way you think about alcohol.
  • Eliminate your cravings for alcohol.

If you have an Alcohol Problem Download this Addiction Hypnotherapy MP3 and help free yourself of the hold that alcohol has had over your life! Giving up alcohol may be easier than you thought.


If you would like to hear a sample of this Hypnosis MP3 please use the player below. Please note the background music on the MP3 you download may be different than the sample. Each MP3 is unique.

Al Owen Voice Sample by JourneysInward
Background music provided by: Silencio Music, Christopher Lloyd & Royalty Free Music.

Customer Feedback:

"This is exactly what I was looking for.  I've been in recovery for almost three years and I wanted something to turn my old attitudes and perceptions around.  To not feel like I was "giving something up" but rather "changing for the better."  What I like about your program is that it labels alcohol as what it is for all people:  poison.  And by giving it up, we're simply not buying into the hype that we're missing out on something good.  It doesn't provide anything good, it's all an illusion.  Marketing.  Your program states that it doesn't provide happiness, courage or enables us to be more social.  It's a foul tasting poison that deteriorates our bodies and our minds and by quitting we're being smart and freeing ourselves from misery.  We're getting a better life.  It's something to look forward to and enjoy, not mope about and feel deprived.  The way you guys put it, to me, is great.  Truthful, straight forward, easy to understand.  It flips over the whole perspective:  we're not giving something up, we're getting something back. 
I do the AA thing, and I respect the Fellowship, but there's something about labeling recovering people as having something wrong with them that never set well with me.  I'd rather believe that I'm waking up to the truth and choosing to be smart and healthy.  Thank you again for providing such a supportive and positive approach to promoting sobriety."
Alcohol addiction treatment Hypnosis

- A.D. Portland, OR

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