Workout Motivation
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onEach morning we wake up to our daily life. Most of our activities are on automatic pilot, such as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. Automatic pilot is a trance state that can be very useful for what is considered the habitual activities of life & exercise needs to be one of these.
Our bodies need to exercise; it has been medically proven that we are emotionally more stable, physically healthier and mentally far more alert if we do. The ideal solution is to review your lifestyle and attitude. Look for ways you can incorporate exercise as part of your everyday life. Use the stairs instead of the elevator; walk when you can, look for opportunities and interests that involve physical exercise. The important thing is that whatever you do, it is easily adapted into your life. Take some time each day just for yourself, and exercise during this time, even if it’s just a 15 min. walk around the neighborhood.
When you start to talk yourself out of exercising, a negative affirmation is being repeated in your mind. An affirmation that says "I can't do it, I don’t have time." So if a negative affirmation works, why can't a positive one? Repeating an affirmation in your mind will remind you of your desire to be healthier and help you become more consciously and subconsciously aware of your healthy lifestyle goals. Strive to repeat healthy lifestyle affirmations to yourself several times each day. Because affirmations actually reprogram your thought patterns and they change the way you think and feel about things.
Say these affirmations to yourself everyday:
“The more often I choose to exercise, the better I’ll feel, both physically and mentally.”
“I really enjoy the exercise program I have chosen for myself.”
“I have enough time in my day to do my exercise program because it is important to me.”
Endorphins are triggered by exercise; they are chemicals that are secreted by the brain. They are triggered each time you do your exercise and you feel great!
Here are some tips:
- Get “In the Zone” It helps to put on your exercise outfit or turn on some aerobic music you like that makes you want to move.
- Project your thoughts into the future, of say, how you will look in 3 months,see yourself pleased with your progress, perhaps looking in a mirror in your mind and seeing yourself at the desired weight and body tone. Let that visualization drive you. Imagine yourself in a favorite outfit that you can’t fit into now.
- Exercise should be fun. If it isn’t, find an activity that you enjoy. As long as you’re moving, it’s good for you.
- Read fitness magazines or blogs about people getting fit.
- Sign up for an exercise class.
- Exercise with a friend.
- Post a picture of your overweight self on the refrigerator!
- Join a club and get a trainer.
- Set a goal; write it on your calendar. Make your goals achievable.
- Get a motivational exercise MP3 or CD to go to sleep with.
So what are you waiting for? Get going!