To Forgive Means Letting Go
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onLetting go of your anger and forgiving someone who has hurt you is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Holding on to resentment and hurt really just makes you feel bad. By not forgiving, by not moving on, you are refusing to let the bad feelings go away. The worst thing about being unable to forgive is that the person you can’t forgive usually has no clue that they hurt you as much as you think they did. They forgot about the incident that caused you pain as soon as it happened. You have been letting it poison your life, and they could care less. Although the truth is they just didn’t know how bad it was for you.
Remember that forgiveness is all about you. When you forgive you do not allow bad behavior, or the hurts you have endured, to be ok or acceptable behavior from others. In fact, you are only acknowledging that something bad has occurred. If you must, keep your distance from those people who continue you to hurt you, but allow forgiveness to release your bad feelings and the hurts that they have caused so that you can live a happier, healthier and fuller life.
Using hypnosis audio mp3’s to forgive is a great way to retrain your brain to let the bad feelings and hurts disappear and to place positive thoughts and feelings in its place. You can save relationships that are stressed and transform a negative attitude by filling your being with forgiveness. Why allow bitterness to ruin your friendships and relationships? Hypnosis mp3’s utilized once a day can help to reprogram your thoughts and make forgiveness an easy and natural state of being. You owe it to yourself and to those you love. Forgiveness will open your mind and your heart to new possibilities and a positive, healthy future. If you want to accelerate the process of forgiving others, try this forgiveness mp3/and you might just find, it’s a lot easier to forgive yourself for choosing such difficult lessons of life to grow on.