Mother's Day - Hypno-birthing
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onIt was Mother's Day 1971 and while having a wonderful peaceful lunch with my family, I was startled by a strong kick from within my large pregnant belly. It was the first time I had experienced such a thing, being that this was my first baby. It was my baby's way of saying hey Mom, "Happy Mother's Day!" Are you ready for the adventure of your life?
Well No! In fact I'm not sure any new mom has an inkling of what she is really in for, becoming a mom and creating a family.
It is wonderful and exhilarating among many other things of course. Some of my most favorite moments were being pregnant and breast feeding! I wish I had known back then about hypno-birthing I would have used it for sure, although I did do natural childbirth using the Lamaze method for both of my children.
Kate Middleton was widely reported to have used “hypno-birthing” to ease labor pain and remain calm while delivering her son Prince George.
"Robert Atlas, M.D., chief of the obstetrics and gynecology department at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, tells Newsmax Health that the delivery method is not as far out of the mainstream as you might think."
“There are classes that you take related to this process just like Lamaze,” he said.
Hypno-birthing is designed to teach women to trust their body's instinctive ability and know that the birthing body and the baby know just what to do. It teaches the mother how to stay calm so that she is not interfering with her birthing process by having fear and anxiety.
By practicing a few key techniques, mothers can program their minds and condition their bodies to birth easily. They learn to place themselves in an ultra-calm state using breathing techniques, music, visualizations and relaxation.
The body works naturally to release endorphins when laboring mothers are not filled with fear. Endorphins are the hormone that allows one to feel pleasure and block pain. Hypno-birthing allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing without drugs.
Get ready for one of the most important days of your life! Find out what it's all about by ordering one of our many Hypno-Birthing products and enjoy them throughout your entire pregnancy!