Mind over Matter
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onMind over matter is a term we have heard many times. What does it really mean?The definition in the English dictionary says the power of the mind to control and influence the body and the physical world generally. A famous quote by Henry Ford says: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — either way you're right."
Hypnosis is a wonderful way to practice mind over matter because you are working directly with the unconsciousness mind. Using strong visualization and post hypnotic suggestions or cues you can train yourself just by using your mind to create the results you want. It could be to heal an illness, reduce pain, create more happiness or change a bad habit, among so many other things you may be experiencing in your life.
Because your inner mind knows just what you need it is able to show you more easily when you are not trying so hard. In a state of peaceful, calm awareness of effortless letting go, you can be free to allow the inner working of you creative mind to come forward and like dreams show you all that you need to know while letting go of old negative beliefs!
It can be as simple as, imagining a healing white light at the top of your head and then feel it surrounding your entire body. Feel it surrounding you and then feel it enter your body, circulating, cleansing and healing every part of your body.
Imagine that beautiful white light energy fills
and surrounds your body with relaxation and healing as you exhale,
see it washing over and through your body all the way down your
legs, taking with it any tension or pain and releasing it right out of
your toes…………………………Well now that I got you started, maybe you want to try it on your own with a beautiful hypnotic recording to help you heal something you know you can, with a little mind over matter.
Mariah Shipp - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist