Migraine Home Remedies
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onIf you are suffering from Migraine headaches here are some migraine home remedies you can try:
Feel your pain and then rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being extreme pain and 0 being none.
Then imagine a shape and color of the pain. Imagine that you are softening the shape a little. If it has sharp points make them a little less sharp and if the color is a bright red or orange, tone it down a little to a softer pink or peach color. Maybe even some of your favorite sunset colors. Allow the shape to shrink in size. See it getting smaller and smaller. Let the power of your subconscious mind work for you. As your subconscious diminishes the size of the pain, the pain itself becomes less intense. Feel it fading, less and less, getting smaller and smaller.
Now imagine the description of the pain that you came up with. See if you can substitute it for a feeling perhaps you can tolerate. An example is if you have what you feel is a stabbing pain maybe you can substitute that feeling for a sensation of a vibration instead.
If the pain feels like needles you might imagine them becoming dull and not so sharp. Perhaps cool and not hot. Or feel a vibrating feeling of blunt warm or cool needles. Perhaps if your pain is a burning neuralgic pain then maybe you can imagine it becoming just a slight itching or an occasional tickle. Allow yourself to relax into the uncomfortable feeling, let yourself go to it, embrace it and let it know, that you know all you need to know about the pain, you know how it comes and generally when it will leave. There is nothing for you to do now but try to relax into it. Tell it that it can relax with you and quiet down as you quiet down. It is OK to let go and let the pain go its own way while you go yours. Allow yourself to relax right through the pain to a place beyond it of quietness and calm awareness. Go right through that feeling and out the other side, drifting into a space of relaxed letting go, as the mind becomes smoother and softer.
Another thing to try is to imagine moving that pain to perhaps a toe where it will not hurt so much. See it slowly moving gently down your leg and notice a very slight movement of that feeling going toward your little toe. You might be curious about its movement. Is it moving in a circular motion? Does it move slowly like pouring honey out of a jar? Allow your attention to focus on moving the pain. As you move it down imagine a dial in your mind and you are turning the pain down. If it was at a 10 when you first started then imagine turning it down to an 8, then a 6 and eventually down to a number that is tolerable like a 2 or 3. The number you see is the number you feel and the number you feel is the number you see. Watch the numbers and your feelings begin to change.
If you experience Migraine headaches on a regular basis and you have tried everything you can think of, how can it hurt to just try some visualization and allow your subconscious mind do the work?