How to help your teen with suicide-depression-bullying-self harm and peer pressure or just growing up!
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onTeens are under so much pressure to grow up, figure it all out, get good grades, be cool, please their parents, peer pressure to do drugs, not do drugs, get into college, and on and on. Today, with all the people loosing their homes and their jobs; it’s lucky a kid’s parents can afford to send them to college and if they do will there be jobs when they finally graduate? Teens never have it easy as it is always a rites of passage for them into adulthood but now it’s even harder and they need to be able to look forward to something.
Depression can strike at any age but for a teen who is being bullied or doesn’t fit in, has no support system and not a great prospective future to look forward to they may consider drugs, gangs and even suicide. They are trying to make sense of their world and they see adults floundering all around them. It is not the fault of the adults but the economy has changed the lives of many and taken away retirement and college funds that were thought safe.
It takes a lot of strength and self esteem to get through these trying times. Teens need good friends, mentors and leaders to look up to. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd when you don’t have that but mostly they need something to believe in. It could be a special talent they have or a cause they believe in that will help them ride through the hard times.
As a solution to apathy it would be good if teachers would take up a cause and get their students involved. Whether it is a food drive to feed kids less fortunate than them and getting to know the needy kids through the internet or helping with their local community in some way, helping them to know they make a difference is what is important.
We all need to know that we make a difference; it is what makes us get up everyday and keep going! If a teacher, parent or mentor can help a child to believe in themselves and not believe all the negativity that they may hear around them, amazing things can happen!
Here is a link below to an organization where kids can make a difference.