Free Hypno-birthing MP3
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onOur hypno-birthing program has 11 wonderful MP3 audio recordings to be listened to in the comfort of your home while resting in bed or drifting off to sleep at night.
Listening to Hypno-birthing audio recordings during pregnancy and birthing can help the mother to not only learn to relax and prepare for the birth of her baby but get a good night's sleep as well.
Imagine that you are out in the ocean in the heavy surf, if you stay on the surface as the waves come toward you, you will be tossed around every which way and you might feel frightened and out of control. Instead if you dive under the wave and wait for it to pass you will come up again between waves and be just fine. When the contractions come, allow yourself to dive down, deep beneath the wave to a safe place and wait for it to pass. While you are waiting for your reprieve focus on the pain and what your body is doing. You can visualize and help it along by seeing a wide open birth canal for your baby to pass through. While you are deep down and you can feel the intense pressure of the water overhead you can know that you are in your safe place and empower yourself to be ready for the next wave. Embrace your power as a woman a “Goddess!”
Women have done this for thousands of years and encouraged by other women they learned how to stay in the moment and ride each wave as it came, one wave at a time, one minute at a time.
After all a labor wave or contraction lasts on an average one minute then you have a reprieve. Labor is a process with it's own rhythm and timing, all you need to do is trust the process and learn how to manage one wave for one minute, there are breathing techniques that will help you to do that. My new #11 "Breathing Techniques for Labor" will be out within a couple of weeks. Check back then for #11.
So here's a free sample Enjoy!
Mariah Shipp - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist