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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Enjoy this free GIFT from Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Posted by Mariah Shipp on

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share a new gift from Journeys Inward. It is free on the website so no need to put in a code. Just go to the website: and download it. I also have a store wide sale going on right now where all the prices in the store have been reduced. So if a little pick me up for your mood or some stress relief is what you need right now this would be a good time to visit our store.

Stress and fatigue go hand in hand. When you are stressed, your body exerts additional energy, which can subsequently lead to fatigue. some effective techniques for dealing with fatigue and stress include exercise, meditation, eating a well-balanced diet, and listening to some relaxing hypnotherapy MP3's. Once you’ve regained control of your stress levels, you’ll notice an almost immediate improvement in your energy.                                             

So you may wonder what mindfulness is. Mindfulness is being fully aware of what you are doing, feeling, or thinking in the present moment. It is bringing the mind, back to the body, when it drifts away and looking deeply into your body, speech, and mind without judging, just noticing what is going on in the moment.
When you are mindful of what is happening in the present moment for a certain amount of time, it creates concentration. When your concentration is strong enough, it leads to insight or wisdom that helps you to overcome sorrow or difficulties so then you can generate more joy and happiness in your daily life.                                                

Get the support you need to make important life changes. Hypnotherapy can help you sort out your feelings and give you the courage and strength you need to move on with your life and set new goals.

Get your gift here: Mindful Meditation

Mariah Shipp - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Journeys Inward Hypnosis

  • anxiety
  • awareness
  • fatique
  • hypnosis
  • hypnosis for stress and anxiety
  • hypnotherapy
  • meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • mindfulness meditation
  • stress
  • stress and anxiety