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Journeys Inward Hypnosis

Attract Love it's Valentines Day!

Posted by Mariah Shipp on

Everyone wants and needs to feel loved. Having a significant person in your life to share things with, have fun with and lean on for support is important. If you have been unable to find this person, you may spend your life feeling alone and wondering why love has passed you by. If you feel this way, ask yourself an important question. Do your love yourself?

Once you feel that you are an attractive, lovable person, you will start to act in a loving way toward others, and soon the love you are looking for will come to you. You must also love others if you want to be loved yourself. If you are having trouble attracting love, learn to let love flow from within you instead of focusing on yourself and the attention that you might want to receive. You’ve probably heard that if you want a friend, you need to be a friend. This is also true of love. If you want to attract love, you must first love yourself. Once you are comfortable with who you are and you really like and love yourself, it will be easier for other people to be attracted to you and love you. How can you attract the love you want and deserve? Do whatever it takes to experience yourself as lovable. The more you are okay with yourself, the more others are okay with you . Use affirmations to replace the old tapes you keep hearing from your past, things others have said that hurt you... parents, old relationships and such.Instead come from a place of "I'm ok just as I am." What will draw people to you is their sense that you are fully expressing all of who you are. Self-confidence draws people’s interest like nothing else. Focus on what works, instead of always thinking about what could be better . Self-respect, assurance, clarity about who you really are, will attract love to you .

Find out what matters to you, hold that vision. To attract love in your life it is important to follow your own dreams and that will give you personal satisfaction, so you can feel good about yourself. You might want to listen to our Attract Love MP3

Mariah Shipp

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

  • Attract Love
  • Finfd love
  • hypnosis downloads
  • hypnosis mp3 downloads
  • journeys inward hypnosis
  • love
  • relationships
  • self help
  • Valentines Day