5 things you can do to ease Stress and Anxiety during the Holiday Season
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onAs the holiday season approaches, many of us find the stress of commitments and activities can become overwhelming. Here are five steps you can take to ease your stress this holiday season.
1. Stop and give thanks for all of the wonderful things in your life.
When you feel yourself running around at a frantic pace trying to get ready for Christmas; buying the tree, shopping, entertaining, whatever it may be, STOP!
Stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Give thanks for your life and all the people you love. Give thanks for the blessings you have.
Even though relaxation is a natural state, you might be surprised how difficult this can be for people to do. We tend to get in the habit of endless thinking, worrying, stressing and planning. In today’s hectic world people don’t seem to take the time to just sit quietly for a few moments or to just breathe. Conscious breathing can make all the difference when it comes to reducing stress and anxiety levels. Slow breathing lets the body know that it is time to relax!
Breathing is the most important thing, but not just any breathing. Try this:
Place your hands on your belly and begin to breathe from the abdomen. In and out through the belly, as you inhale let the belly balloon up and as you exhale let it sink down. Keep the breath in the belly. This is called abdominal breathing.
Ujjayi Breathing: ......Continue breathing with the belly but now add the “sounding breath” or in the ancient yogic tradition called Ujjayi breathing, making a sound in the back of the throat as if you had nostrils in the back of your throat. The "sounding breath" is created by moving the glottis (in the back of the throat) as air passes in and out. The throat passage is narrowed and the airway where the passage of air comes through creates a gentle snoring sound. The length and speed of the breath is controlled by the diaphragm. This strengthening is, partially the purpose of ujjayi as well as being tremendously relaxing and calming.
3. Visualize your entire body encompassed by a bright white light.
See yourself with loved ones or friends all surrounded by a bright white light.
Visualize Christmas day and whatever you did or didn’t do is perfectly fine because you are with your loved ones and that is all that matters. Everything else will work itself out.
Visualization can be a very powerful and positive tool. The more detailed your visualization becomes, the more powerful a tool it will be.
4. Forgive both yourself and others.
Being totally honest is the only way to allow for forgiveness and start the healing process. Unresolved hurt continues to grow and fester. Set yourself free and allow yourself to move on.
Forgive both yourself and others who you feel wronged you. Put that bright white light around you and let all discord melt away. Try it just for the holidays if you want and see how you feel.
5. Try Hypnosis MP3’s or CD’s: ...... Hypnosis allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation which in itself is a very useful therapy for lowering stress. It also allows you to become calm and focused, so you can concentrate on solving your problems. Hypnosis is a state in which the conscious mind is temporarily suspended or distracted and in which all parts of the mind work in harmony for your highest good. Hypnosis MP3’s or CD’s can be very useful in helping one to relax.