The Courage to Change
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onWe all know we want to be better and we all know that change is possible but for some reason we cling to our old habits and patterns even when we know they are not serving us. Whether it's a bad habit, an addiction, clinging to an old relationship or trying desperately to control a situation, all of it stems from fear. At the bottom of every one of your fears is simply the fear that you can't handle whatever life may bring you. Think about it for a bit It's true isn't it? If you knew that you could handle anything that came your way fear would be gone wouldn't it? You just need to develop more trust in yourself that you can handle anything that comes your way! We are not really taught to take risks as a child we are told to be careful to watch out! We are not taught to stretch our capabilities.
As long as we are learning and growing the fear will never go away, it is part of life, it's a feeling every person has to deal with if they don't want to stay stagnant.The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it! Once you do it, you will feel better about yourself and your self-confidence will grow.
We all experience fear when in unfamiliar territory,the key is to push through the fear and do it anyway! Once through it you will feel fantastic, on top of the world knowing you conquered your fear about something that you know has been holding you back. Allow yourself to move from a position of pain to a position of power! Watch what starts to happen when you expand your comfort zone. With each risk you take, each time you move out of your comfort zone you become more powerful! What is it that you would love to do but your fear holds you back? Take responsibility for your life make it the best life you can have! Know that if you don't change your direction, you are likely to end up where you are headed! Have the courage it takes to make the changes in your life you are wanting to manifest!
been said “The best way out is always through”
With each risk you take, each time you move out of your comfort zone you become
more powerful!
“Face Your Fears and be Free” is a new recording we would like to share with you.